Creating the Bill Of Materials (BOM)

Table / Table From File


User Formats > tables > bme_dbj_kibontott_hu.tbl


The elements of the title field (Designer, Gyártmány, Description, stb.) are showing up, because the model parameters are filled out in the part cr1-3_szelephaz.prt. The properties can be filled out at the:
  • at the creation of the drawing or the part model
  • or later adding the properties at >Tools >Parametersnél (Look In: Part)
  • or at the Model tree > >Tree Columns >Type: Model Params After that you can see and rewrite the parameters in the model tree in a new column. </box> <box 200px right red|Important!> For the university's requirement you can use the bme_dbj_kibontott_en.tbl BOM template. The BOM should be placed at the X=10,Y=10 point in the absolute coordinate system. For the industrial standard you can use bme_dbj_sima_en.tbl template. </box>

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en/creo/cr1/050_osszeallitasi_rajz/cr1_050_070_osszeallitasi_rajz.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/01 12:40 by
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